to delight & inspire
Are you feeling stuck? In a funk? Lost your groove? Need a boost?
Let me coax, nudge and encourage you to open your heart and mind to the positive energy and boundless creativity within all of us. Geared towards adults, these presentations are ideal for teacher in-service days, businesses, educational conferences, writing workshops, career day, writing awards program celebrations, etc.
Below is a sampling of presentations that I offer. I would be happy to work with you to customize a presentation that would fit the specific needs of your group.
Make “Someday” Today
Are you too busy? Do you find yourself saying “Someday, I’ll…” too often? In this powerful presentation, I will discuss the emotional journey of creating Someday Is Not a Day of the Week and remind you how to make room on your calendar for the things that matter most.
Cultivating Creativity
Finding time in our crowded schedules to connect, create, dream, stretch, and play is essential for personal as well as professional growth. “Climb out of the box” and explore ways to unleash your creativity and find your inner artist.
Do You Bee-lieve?
Scientific studies suggest that the small wings and large bodies of bumblebees should make it impossible for them to fly. Luckily, bumblebees don’t know this! Are there things that you long to do? Do fear and doubt get in your way? This inspirational presentation will remind you what can happen when you bee-lieve in yourself and your dreams.
What Writer’s Do
It isn’t a secret. I will explore and reflect on the gift of writing and will discuss the creative process of children’s books. This session also includes a Q&A as well as tips on how to get your story published.
A Conversation with Denise
Topics may include the journey, how ideas get our attention, the odd places that inspiration shows up, why rejection can make us stronger, and the 10 significant things that writers do to succeed. I will also discuss the importance of nurturing questions and curiosity in the classroom and at home
Do What You Love, Love What You Do
Is your enthusiasm waning? Is your morale precariously low? I will provide ideas and inspiration to ensure that you have a reserve of positive feelings, attitudes, and experiences to draw from so that your morale bank account doesn’t get too low. Revisit and rekindle your passion and enthusiasm for your profession!
The Art of Service
Before I became an author, I began a business called Goosebumps. I had a supervisor who lived by the mantra: “You should give such great service that customers get goosebumps.” I discovered a lot about the power of serving others and wanted to share what I had learned. This presentation came about because of that desire.
The greatest reward of serving others is how it makes us feel about ourselves. This session will highlight the single most important factor for providing exceptional service. In addition, I will discuss why “elephants don’t bite, but mosquitoes do” and how paying to attention to the little things can make a BIG difference.
For additional information about inspirational presentations, including honorarium and available dates, please contact me here.
“It is a singular pleasure working with Denise. She infuses every situation with her joyful storytelling. The gleam in her eye, her delivery, her cadences draw people right in. I’ve seen her seated at a table at a luncheon of 60 people. When she begins one of her stories, her table gives their entire attention over to her. And soon enough, conversation stops at the adjacent tables as others start listening to her spin her gorgeous web of word play and kitchen table wisdom. She is masterful in front of an audience . . . Denise reminds us of the old zen koen – live every moment as if your hair is on fire.” – David Swann
“One of my favorite children’s authors. I’m thankful for the lecture you gave, and that I was there to hear it. You have me a whole new perspective on life – one that will lead to a happier me.” – Joanna, Life and Times of Jo (Blog)
“I so enjoyed your presentation last Saturday at the MSU Center in Troy. You were dynamic, passionate, uplifting, and enlightening. You truly are a gifted speaker who made my day.” – Charlene Goshgarian