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good night, reindeer

Christmas is coming and it’s time to get a full night’s rest at the North Pole. Santa checks in on all his reindeer to make sure they’re tucked in for the night. All the lights are out, except one . . . Good night, Rudolph! Told in simple rhyme, this is a perfect bedtime story for children who just can’t wait for Christmas morning.




“In simple, patterned language reminiscent of the classic Goodnight Moon, Mr. and Mrs. Claus say good night to each of their reindeer, saving Rudolph for last. Bucci’s paintings are full of humorous details that give each reindeer a distinct personality. “Good night, Donner/Good night, day/Good night, Dasher/Good night, sleigh.” The repetition and lulling verse might be just the ticket to settle down excited revelers. VERDICT: A good choice for secular Christmas story times.” – School Library Journal


“Readers get a behind-the-scenes look at the lives and habits of Santa’s reindeer in this bedtime-oriented Christmas story. As Santa and Mrs. Claus bid the reindeer good night (“Good night, reindeer./ Good night, Blitzen./ Time for bed./ Good night, Vixen”), the animals’ bedrooms give readers a sense of their interests: Dancer is pirouetting in a pink tutu instead of sleeping, Cupid is rocking out on drums, studious Donner is planning for the big night with a map and globe, and Dasher is up late reading. Bucci’s digital paintings have a claylike quality reminiscent of 3-D animated films, and Brennan-Nelson’s simple, sturdy rhymes build to a closing gag that involves Rudolph’s unwillingness (or inability) to turn out the lights. A pleasing holiday bedtime story that strikes a neat balance between restfulness and rowdiness.” – Publishers Weekly

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